..                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .aktualisiert: 14.03.2025

Aktuelle Infos zur

und Youngtimer-Rallye-Trophy

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Termine 2025
29.05. - 01.06.2025 19. Simca-Treffen vom Club Simca France in der Bretagne

Hello  Chairmans , this is Maïlys from French Simca Club.
In january , i send to you the registration for our french meeting on
May29t to 1st on June on Bretagne  ( West of France).

Now i propose on the second time the registration.
All is in english , programm and registration.

We have noticed the fact , that it s "complicated " the last years
because all is in french.
Since 2023 , all french meeting
Have a part in english  during the meeting. (Like ISM)
Some members  are on place to help you if it s necessary.
And the programm , road Books are in english to.
You are welcome in french meeting.
Of you are questions i'm here to help you

Tel : 06 18 91 17 48

           Mail : international@clubsimcafrance.fr

           Retrouvez nous sur : http://www.clubsimcafrance.fr/



30.05. - 01.06.2025 SRT-Treffen (endlich wieder) in Flagey-Echezeaux

                                  für weitere Infos aufs Bild klicken

10.07. - 13.07.2025
40-jähriges Jubiläumstreffen der Simca Heckmotor-IG)
       in 75242 Hamberg/Neuhausen - Hotel "Grüner Wald"

Anmeldung bis spätesens 15.04.2025 notwendig!
Weitere Infos und Anmeldeformular: hier

Termine 2026
04.06. - 07.06.2026 Simca-Welttreffen 2026 in Herve bei Lüttich (Belgien)